Viewers can watch some shows for free on the web, but for a monthly fee, they can watch even more shows on and do so on an expanding list of devices like iPads and smartphones. 但如果用户按月缴纳一定费用,则还可观看更多的节目,而且还可以在越来越多类似iPad和智能手机的设备上观看节目。
But, like all subscription models, it blocks access to music if you don't pay this monthly fee. 和所有的订阅网站一样,如果你不按月交费,那么你就无法使用这一音乐资源。
The price was too high and consumers did not want to pay an additional monthly fee for the services. 价格太高是一个问题,另外消费者也不愿为这些服务额外支付月费。
For billing, customers can either pay a monthly fee or reuse of existing enterprise licenses. 对于计费,用户既可以按月支付费用,也可以再利用现有的企业许可证。
Or users would have to pay Twitter and Facebook a monthly fee just for using the TweetDeck application. 也可能用户必须向Twitter和Facebook支付月费才能使用TweetDeck应用程序。
Are you still paying a monthly fee even though your bank now offers free checking? 即使现在的银行提供免费存储业务,你是否每月还在继续为你的户头付费呢?
It also offers a VIP Offline service for a monthly fee. 它也为月租用户提供VIP离线服务。
Offers computer software tutorials in everything from HTML to Excel for a low monthly fee. 提供从HTML到Excel一切电脑软件教学,学费也很便宜。
But more recently, all sorts of unexpected industries have started dabbling in subscription-based business models, offering anything from online software to toothbrushes to genome sequencing for a flat monthly fee. 但最近,各种令人意想不到的行业纷纷开始采用订阅式商业模式,按每月固定费率提供从在线软件到牙刷,再到基因组测序等各种商品和服务。
The Netflix monthly fee roughly reflects the cost of acquiring content. Netflix的月租费大致反映了获取内容的成本。
The service is expected to be offered over Apple's iTunes digital entertainment store, which sells movies and TV shows, but does not offer them for a recurring monthly fee. 预计苹果将在iTunes数字娱乐商店提供此项服务。该商店目前提供电影和电视节目的收费下载,但没有月租费的方式。
Will you refund my latest monthly fee if I cancel? 取消后您会偿还最近一次的月费吗?
Some of these web sites can be used free of charge, other sites you must pay a small monthly fee. 其中一部分是可以免费使用的,另外一部分是每个月收取很少的费用的。
In such worlds, players usually pay a monthly fee for the right to explore richly detailed three-dimensional landscapes inhabited by dragons or aliens or, in some cases, punks and strippers. 在这些世界中,玩家通常支付月费,换取一个权利,去探索细节极为丰富的三维世界。这些世界里居住着龙或者外星人,在有些情况下,或者还居住着小阿飞和脱衣舞娘。
It's part of a home security system where consumers pay a monthly fee. 它是一个家庭安全系统,在这里用户每月支付费用的一部分。
Napster users may pay a modest monthly fee, which will be divided up among those creating, producing, and delivering the music. 纳普斯特的使用者每月支付一定费用,这笔钱由音乐的创作者、录制者和传播者分配。
As for the new business model, Rosso said The Pirate Bay will offer users all the music they can download for a small monthly fee. 至于新商务模式方面,Rosso称海盗湾会继续为用户提供下载服务,不过将向他们收取月费。
Internet service providers ( ISPs) provide Internet access to customers, usually for a monthly fee. 网络服务提供商按每月收费的方式为用户提供互联网接入服务。
If you want to watch cable TV programs, you'll have to pay a monthly fee. 如果你想看有限电视的话,你就的按月付费。
The programming services provided by a cable system for a monthly fee above and beyond that required for basic cable. 该有线电视系统提供节目的收费高于基本有线电视。
One different aspect from other offerings is that customers will pay a monthly fee rather than pay per CPU usage or hour. 与其他云不同的是:客户将会按月付费,而不是按CPU使用量或按小时服务。
No need for additional equipment, no monthly fee, no additional cost. 无须附加设备,无月费,无额外费用。
An additional HKD100.-monthly fee will be charged if Diners Club is to be accepted. 如选择接受大来信用证,将额外收取月费港币壹佰圆。
You can even by really cheap per minute rates for calls to ordinary and mobile phones ( free activation fee or monthly fee). 您甚至可以按确实便宜的每分钟费率拨打普通和移动电话(免收开通费或月费)。
He finds an abandoned baby in a noodle shop with a note promising to pay a monthly fee for the care of the child. 在一个面摊上他发现了一个弃婴,一张纸条上写着将按月付给抚养人抚养费。
We recommend that you implement the program in its entirety based on the client paying a fixed monthly fee for your services. 我们建议你在按月收取客户咨询费的前提上,全面实施本项目。
Many operators have now done away with call charges altogether and instead offer unlimited local, national and even some international calls for a flat monthly fee. 很多运营商现在已经完全废除了通话收费,取而代之的是每月收取固定的费用,为客户提供不限量的本地、国内通话,甚至还包裹一些国际通话。